1. You will need to register to log in.

2. All goods supplied by 성인용품.com remain our property until such time as they are paid for in full.

3. You must be at least 18 years of age or have the legal right to possess adult material in your community, and are not offended by adult merchandise including such things as sex toys, bondage equipment, vibrators and other adult products. By entering this website you have released and discharged the providers/owners and creators of this site from any and all liability which might arise.

4. All goods sold through this site are sold as 'novelty goods'. We cannot be held responsible for any injury caused by their use.

5. Some products shown on this website may vary slightly from the images displayed from time to time.

6. All claims for delivery shortages and damages must be reported to 성인용품.com within 3 days of the delivery date.

7. All packages returned to us undelivered will be subject to an additional charge before being re-shipped.

8. 성인용품.com cannot be held responsible for orders being delayed by incorrect information supplied during the checkout process.

9. 성인용품.com will honor any reasonable returns policy, but as a general guideline:

* Faulty goods - send the item back to us with a note stating the problem, and the order reference number for the original purchase. We will exchange the item for you, or credit your account if this is not possible.

* Unwanted goods - 성인용품.com does not operate a 'sale or return' policy. Any credit for goods returned to us as unwanted will be less a 25% restocking charge, subject to the following conditions:

o The goods must be unused

o The goods must be in their original condition & packaging

o The goods must be received by us within 14 days from the day you receive your order

o Lingerie and items of clothing are non refundable and non exchangeable

N.B. If we suspect that the goods have been used or any of the above conditions are not met then we reserve the right to return the goods to you. Items supplied in sealed packaging that have been opened are non refundable and non exchangeable

10. Your credit card is charged in the name of our wholesaler company.

11. Material on this site may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way without prior written permission of the copyright holder. All material is the copyright property of 성인용품.com/our wholesaler company.